Don’t let the photo fool you…. this was our first family holiday and it was a hard week! Holidays with children can be difficult at the best of times and holidaying with a child on the spectrum can be stressful for both parents and the child. There are lots of things that you can try to make it easier and a good experience for everyone and although it may take more preparation, a family holiday can be just what you all need. Apart from making some amazing family memories, it gives children a chance to experience new environments and I’ve always found it funny how being in new places can help our kids try out new activities and do things they may have never tried at home.
This was our first family holiday and the only thing that was a success was the fact that Luca fell in love with caravans. We were totally unprepared and because we hadn’t been away with Luca before we didn’t know what we should be preparing him for…. the old saying of “you don’t know what you don’t know” had never been more true in this case. So, given the disaster that was our first holiday attempt we decided to regroup, research, prepare better and try again! We launched Spectrum Holidays off the back of this research and from our own experiences and we now make sure that our families have exactly what they need to fully prepare for their holiday experience.
To better prepare you for your holidays with your autistic child take a look at our post taken from the autism website that addresses just that!