Our visit to Dulas Glamping, Wales

This property visit was a different one for us, it’s the first time we also had a puppy in tow! We recently welcomed a new member of the family after several years of research and preparation in to getting a puppy that we hope will become a therapy dog for Luca. We hope that Thawne will help with the increasingly ... Read More

Our Visit to Middlehead Cottages

Part of our job involves visiting each property that requests to list on our website which is always something that is extremely important to do, but also take she most amount of planning. As most of you reading this will understand, planning trips with your autistic child is not always easy, and while Luca is now older and we spend ... Read More

Tattersall Lakes Country Park

Our recent property visit took us to Lincolnshire and the beautiful Tattershall Lakes Country Park!  Our property visits usually take place in winter, this is because our Sensory caravans close for the colder months, and we have more availability to travel. This tends to mean that while we get to visit some amazing places, we usually end up doing so ... Read More

Our visit to Leafy Fields

Like many parents that have children with additional needs, childcare is a luxury that we don't always have, especially not for extended periods of time. When we initially set up Spectrum Holidays, we made the decision to include Luca in all of our property visits, not only to manage the childcare difficulties, but also because he provides a unique insight ... Read More

Back to School

It's that time of year again, the one we all dread...The first day of term! Going back to school after the weekend is hard enough, but after 6 or 7 weeks it can be an impossible ask. Our children benefit from routine and when there is a change in that routine it can cause so many problems. Luca attends an ... Read More

Holiday your way

There are lots of things that Luca enjoys doing when we go to Haggerston Castle on holiday, he just may not do them the traditional way and that's ok, It's his time to relax too and he can holiday any way he feels comfortable. Luca doesn't really enjoy being around large groups of people, but he loves the Nature Rockz ... Read More

Food Aversions

Food aversion and sensory sensitivities have been a huge part of our journey with Luca. I have talked about it briefly on some of my previous blogs, but I hear so many parents saying the same things I used to say and worrying about how little their child eats and their restricted diet that I thought I would share our ... Read More


Before having Luca I thought communication just meant talking to people….oh how wrong I was! I’ve realised throughout this journey with Luca that every action, every gesture, every behaviour is a language all of its own and it takes a certain amount of patience, perseverance and some mad detective skills to translate it. Luca, like lots of kids with ASC ... Read More


Christmas can be a magical time for a lot of families but it can also be a really difficult time for autistic children. Most people when they think of Christmas think about spending time with family, or going to family parties, enjoying the time off work/school, building up the excitement for the big day and decorating the house. All these ... Read More

Sensory toys

Most people with a diagnosis of autism will struggle to regulate their sensory input and may over or under react to auditory, tactile or aural input to the point that it affects their everyday life. Trying to help or teach our children how to self-regulate is important to help them manage their emotions and calm anxieties. Every child is different. ... Read More