Sensory differences….when do they start?

I had never heard of sensory processing difficulties, sensory issues, sensory needs etc until Luca was born. Looking back, I now know that he has been experiencing sensory difficulties pretty much since birth. When I was 16 weeks pregnant a routine scan picked up that Luca had antenatal hydronephrosis (basically both his kidneys were enlarged) After the initial panic I ... Read More

Our first holiday as an autistic family

Don’t let the photo fool you…. this was our first family holiday and it was a hard week! Holidays with children can be difficult at the best of times and holidaying with a child on the spectrum can be stressful for both parents and the child. There are lots of things that you can try to make it easier and ... Read More

Going on holiday with an autistic child

Child holiday

Deciding where to goYou may have had a holiday destination recommended to you or read about what seems to be an ideal destination on social media. It’s important that you check this out thoroughly to be sure that it is going to be right for the autistic person you are travelling with. It is best to find out about the ... Read More